Blog 4: Ideal World

Blog 4: Ideal World
Hello everyone i hope u are pretty well,
In this week I will talk about one very controversial topic and this is, which my ideal world is.
For many people is really difficult imagine the world different as we know, but for me is really easy because I want different world. I want I world in which people are happy, in which u work because u enjoy not because u need money, in which people don’t be discriminate, in resume I dreaming a world more friendly in which we live confortable and in which all can be whatever they what to be without fear about how other can see u.
In other point of our life, I think we need to change how are we feeding because in the actual world we have a diet which is not really sustainable and which is supported by the specism violating the rights of these species in addition to generate a huge environmental impact, for this and many other reason I think what in my ideal world all must have vegetarian or vegan diet.
Another thing I would like to change is the economic model; because I think the capitalism make people more stupid and selfish and ambitious so in my ideal world I want an economic model in which all can receive a fair treatment.
I can talk many hours about this topic but I prefer to make things in where it matter, in the street, between people, made politic apartidist and self-convened.
See u in a next post.


  1. I agree with you, we need to live in a sociaety with greater empathy for the others

  2. respect and tolerance will be the pillars of society.

  3. it is true (to me) that capitalism make people more stupid and selfish, we have to change it

  4. I totally agree, and i really see what you said in the next generations, they aren't afraid of show who they are.

  5. I agree with you, but it is so easy to talk about we want and it is so far from our current reality. it is frustrating.

  6. It is really inspiring to read comments like this. I feel the world is changing for a better place! :)


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