Enjoyable subject to me

Since i was child, I remember I have always loved creating and building many things with my own hands. Because of that, my favorite subject at school was art. I was able to create a variety of different art expressions, but I also I was able to express myself freely. Later on, I started to get interested in other subjects, such as biology and chemistry.   
Currently, many years later from my first years at school, I´m at university and I really love my laboratories lessons. Nevertheless organic chemistry lab stole my heart, a practical subject by definition. This is happens maybe because of the atmosphere in that specific subject. I love my classmate and how we can learn and have fun at the same time. We need to make different and amazing reaction. This is difficult though, but I enjoy going thorough all steps of synthesizing the products. I enjoy it because in the process we can see many qualitative changes and it is amazing to observe how you can make a really beautiful and yellow product from a white reagent.


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